Best Survival Game For Android & IOS 2023


Let's Survive is a survival game available on various platforms, including mobile devices, PCs, and consoles. In this game, players must survive in a post-apocalyptic world where resources are scarce, and danger lurks around every corner.


In Let's Survive, players start with limited resources and must scavenge for food, water, and supplies to stay alive. The game features a day and night cycle, and players must find shelter before the sun sets, or they risk being attacked by dangerous creatures that roam the land.

Players can craft weapons and tools from materials they find while scavenging, and they can use these items to defend themselves against the dangers that lurk in the shadows. The game also features a crafting system that allows players to create more advanced items as they progress through the game.

The game features a hunger and thirst system, which means players must find food and water to survive. They can hunt animals and gather water from rivers and streams, but they must also be careful not to consume contaminated food or water.

Players must also manage their stamina and fatigue levels, as they can only run for a short distance before becoming tired. Resting and sleeping are essential to restoring stamina and avoiding exhaustion.

The game features a permadeath system, which means that if the player dies, they must start the game from the beginning.


  1. Open World - Let's Survive features an open world where players can explore vast landscapes filled with dangers and opportunities.
  2. Crafting System - The game features a crafting system that allows players to create weapons, tools, and other items necessary for survival.
  3. Hunger and Thirst System - Players must find food and water to survive, and they must also avoid consuming contaminated food or water.
  4. Day and Night Cycle - The game features a day and night cycle, and players must find shelter before the sun sets to avoid being attacked by dangerous creatures.
  5. Permadeath System - If the player dies, they must start the game from the beginning.
  6. Multiplayer Mode - The game features a multiplayer mode where players can work together to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.


  • Improves Survival Skills - Let's Survive can improve survival skills by teaching players how to find and manage resources in a post-apocalyptic world.
  • Provides Entertainment - The game provides hours of entertainment as players must navigate through challenging landscapes and fend off dangerous creatures.
  • Encourages Creativity - The game's crafting system encourages players to be creative and come up with new ways to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.
  • Promotes Strategic Thinking - Players must think strategically to survive, which can help improve their problem-solving skills.


Let's Survive is a challenging survival game that offers players an immersive experience in a post-apocalyptic world. The game features an open world, crafting system, hunger and thirst system, and permadeath system, all of which provide an immersive and challenging experience for players. It can improve survival skills, provide entertainment, encourage creativity, and promote strategic thinking. If you're looking for a challenging survival game that offers an immersive and entertaining experience, Let's Survive is definitely worth trying.

To play Let's Survive - Survival game, follow these basic steps:

Download and Install - First, download and install Let's Survive on your chosen platform, whether it be mobile, PC, or console.

Start a New Game - Start a new game and choose your difficulty level. There are usually several difficulty levels to choose from, ranging from easy to very hard.

Explore the World - Once you've started the game, explore the open world and search for resources like food, water, and supplies. You can use the crafting system to create weapons and tools to help you survive.

Manage Hunger and Thirst - Make sure to manage your hunger and thirst levels. Hunt animals and gather water from rivers and streams, but be careful not to consume contaminated food or water.

Build Shelter - Find or build a shelter before the sun sets to avoid being attacked by dangerous creatures that roam the land. You can also use your shelter to store your supplies.

Manage Stamina and Fatigue - Make sure to manage your stamina and fatigue levels. Rest and sleep when necessary to avoid exhaustion.

Defend Yourself - Be prepared to defend yourself against the dangers that lurk in the shadows. Use your weapons and tools to fend off dangerous creatures and other players if you're playing in multiplayer mode.

Progress and Survive - Progress through the game and survive as long as possible. Keep searching for resources and crafting new items to improve your chances of survival.

In Let's Survive, there is no set way to play the game. You can choose your own path and strategy for survival. Experiment with different tactics and see what works best for you. Just remember that the game features a permadeath system, so if you die, you'll have to start the game over from the beginning.

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